Friday, 4 July 2014

  Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation Federal Executive meeting notice

(An All India Industrial Unit of BMS)
T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110 001
BPEF/ F.E. /1/2014                                                                                Dated: 30-06-2014
It is hereby notified that the Federal Executive meeting of the Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation will be held from 22-07-2014 to 23-07-2014 at T- 21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110 001. Shri Man Mohan Sharma, President of the BPEF shall preside over the meeting.
The following shall be the agenda:
1.    Various steps to be taken for successful utilization of trade union facilities granted to us by Department of Posts on 24th June, 2014.
2.      Discussion on challenges of Mission 2015
3.    7th CPC and related issues.
4.    To Discuss the problems of Unions affiliated to BPEF.
5.    Organizational Review.
6.    Financial position of BPEF.
7.    Non reimbursement Federation quota by unions regularly.
8.    Distribution work of publication of Postal Mahasangh, collection of data of membership of every union and tabulations of address , telephone numbers of  active member office bearers of unions.
9.    Publication of Diary/ calendar in January, 2015.  
10.  Any other item with permission of chair.
(S.K.  Mishra)
Secretary General
Copy to:
  1. All BPEF Office Bearers/ General Secretaries.
  2. The General Secretary, BMS, Dattopant Thengadi  Bhawan, 27,  Deendayal Upadhyay  Marg, New Delhi-110 002.
  3. Shri K.N.  Sharma, Prabhari , (Postal) Industrial Unit of BMS.
  4. The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001.
(S.K.  Mishra)
           Secretary General