Friday, 21 August 2015

            The SSPO’s /SPO
Sub:     Complaint against non observance of the instruction contained in letter dated 9-6-2015 by Divisional Head/ office Head and regarding my duality in membership displayed on notice board. 
            It is to submit that my name has appeared in two list namely ………………………… & …………………………….displayed in notice board of ………………………office.
            In this connection it is to submit that my letter of authorization as shown in list of …………………………………Association has not signed by me in presence its  authorized office bearers. I have signed letter of authorization of Bharatiya …………………………………in presence to its authorized office bearers namely …………………… .
            Kindly delete my name from list of ………………………………………& my name should remain continuing  in  list of Bharatiiya ……………………………………….. 
            The fact of the case is  that the office administration  did not displayed the notification dated 9-6-2015 & 23-6-2015  on notice board as required under para 5 of letter 9-6-2015. Therefore,  I was not confirm about exact provision of letter. Every  one  coming  to me with letter of authorization has described  different- different  rules & provisions and in confusion I signed another form without writing name of Association and without knowing authorized office bearer of that  union  ……………………………… If you cannot decided by my case judiciously it may be sent to Directorate through DPS (HQ)  Chairman of Independent forum as communicated to me by ……………………………….
Thanking you,
                                                                                                                                  Sincerely yours