Saturday, 15 November 2014

Grants-in-aid for the year 2014-15 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations

No. 7/2/201 3-Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of’ Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Lok Nayak Bawan, New Delhi-110003
11th November, 2014
The Secretaries of the Grantee,
Central Government Empbyees
Residents Welfare Associations
(As per list)
Sub.:- Grants-in-aid for the year 2014-15 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations- submission of Accounts for the year 2013-14 regarding.
I am directed to say that the Department of Personnel and Training has been sanctioning Grants-in-aid to the eligible recognized Residents Welfare Associations formed by the Central Government Employees in residential colonies to enable them to meet a part of their expenditure on the welfare activities, programmes during the financial year. The recognized Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations eligible to receive grants-in-aid may please send a request to this effect to this Department in the prescribed proforma.
2. The recognized Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations are requested to send their request keeping in view the following guidelines:
(a) Central Government employees and employees of Lok Sabba. Rajya Sabba, Supreme Court. High Court. UPSC. Statutory and Autonomous bodies. Delhi Administration shall qualify for ‘Regular’ membership of an association in receipt of grant-in-aid from Department of Personnel and Training subject to fulfillment of conditions as laid down in sub para (b) to (h) of para Il (2) of O.M, No. 5/8/2013-Welfare dated 3d June, 2014 (copy enclosed).
(b) Grants-in-aid admissible will be subject lo an upper ceiling of Rs. 10.00W- during a financial year.
(c) Consolidated accounts for the previous financial year may be provided in Annexure ‘A’ signed by the President. Secretary, Treasurer and Internal Auditor,
(d) A complete list of all the members showing their names, residential address. Official designation and address as on 31.03.2014 may be submitted as in Annexure-’B.
(e) All the vouchers relating to every head of expenditure as appearing in Annexure ‘A’, should be maintained by the Association, so as to verify the expenditure as and when needed.
(f) The stock register maintained by the Association as audited and certified by the Internal Auditor after physical verification should be maintained by the Association. The Department of Personnel and Training may verify the register as and when required. Similarly, the inventory of articles should also be maintained.